Anton Systems, Inc.

Benefits of Modern Cloud-Based Commercial Real Estate Development Software - Anton Systems

Written by Anton Systems | Feb 23, 2023 5:00:00 AM

Businesses and organizations outgrowing entry-level accounting software, and those running legacy applications struggle to adapt to today’s rapidly changing business environment. As a result, companies are hampered by high IT costs for one-off integrations and intrusive customizations, providing minimal functionality to grow into new markets.

Accurate, real-time accounting is paramount for real estate developers and property managers. Unfortunately, proper bookkeeping can be both tedious and time-consuming. Most developers use multiple disparate applications to string together something that works – but is far from optimal from a productivity and accuracy standpoint.

Modern software applications replace legacy on-premises systems and empower businesses and organizations with advanced financial features providing a holistic approach for growing companies.

Here’s a look at just some of the benefits cloud-based commercial real estate development software can offer:


Grow With a Modern and Agile Accounting System

Acumatica Real Estate Development Accounting provides developers with a complete end-to-end world-class cloud-based accounting application that keeps accurate accounting and financial records while increasing overall productivity simultaneously.

Our solution is designed to meet the specific needs of real estate developers juggling multiple projects and business entities simultaneously without needing an elaborate IT infrastructure or significant investment in computer hardware or support staff.

  • Cloud-based real estate development software reduces IT investments. It allows you to grow and evolve your business with a scalable, secure, and future-proof cloud platform available on any device, anytime, anywhere.


Minimize Risk

Your software application is the heartbeat of your organization. Unfortunately, when servers crash and applications deadlock, users find themselves locked out of the system, forcing them to conduct business manually without access to vital information. Sometimes, your business can come to a screeching halt until the hardware or application issues are resolved.

  • Cloud-based software significantly benefits uptime with dynamic scalability and multiple database and application security levels to ensure maximum performance while minimizing cyber-attack risks. In addition, you can enjoy consistent, 24/7 customer support with dual layers of support from Anton Systems (Certified Partner) and Acumatica.


Scalable, Future-Proof Platform

Legacy applications are built on aging technology that is difficult and costly to maintain. Organizations find themselves on rigid technology platforms with limited connectivity to modern applications.

Our Commercial Real Estate Development software is powered by Acumatica, an accurate, scalable, and mobile cloud platform with built-in document management enabling remote access to all features of the solution from anywhere or at any time.

Acumatica’s Open APIs allow connection to information, processes, and ideas. With modern prop-tech technologies, including big data and analytics, artificial intelligence with machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT), Acumatica lets you set a technology foundation for your development organization. Empower employees with a modern cloud-based application that is easy to use, learn, and adaptable to their specific roles.

  • Modern cloud-based applications provide everything progressive businesses need to manage their entire organization on a single platform.


 Track Projects in Real Time

With one unified software solution in the cloud, commercial real estate developers can easily track costs compared to budgets, view and store necessary documentation (such as project budget changes and change orders) and collaborate with other users (such as accounting, owners, investors, and clients) all in real-time.

When you connect your accounting and management teams on one platform, they can track all aspects of a project. They gain real-time views of active and completed tasks and project profitability. Everyone can drill down to see budget versus actual, change orders, subcontractor commitments, compliance issues, etc.

  •  Cloud-based software provides one single source of truth for the entire organization.


If you want to learn more about our modern Cloud-based Commercial Real Estate Development software powered by Acumatica, don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule your consultation today!